Plenoil gasolineras

Plenoil and Ballenoil lead the rise of ‘low-cost’ gas stations.

Plenoil lidera el auge de las gasolineras ‘low cost’

Full article in the newspaper Expansió

Just a month ago, another giant in this sector, such as Plenoil, also disclosed its 2022 financial statements, showing even greater growth than its rival.

Plenoil had a net profit of 21.03 million in 2022, compared to 6.7 million a year earlier. The group tripled its profit, but also its revenue, going from 325 to 969 million euros in just one year.

The CEO of Plenoil, José Rodríguez de Arellano, is one of the main shareholders of the company, along with Leopoldo Pérez

Plenoil’s partners hired Evercore to sell a majority stake

Villaamil, Álvaro Sainz de Vicuña, or Domingo de Torres Atienza. A few months ago, Plenoil’s partners hired Evercore to organize the process of selling a majority stake in the group’s shareholding, given its tremendous growth.
Their future plans involve “supporting growth by launching several dozen additional service stations in different Spanish autonomous communities, including the Canary Islands, and in new international markets such as Portugal,” the company stated in its accounts.

Plenoil has 190 operational gas stations in Spain, evenly distributed throughout the country. The group exceeded 30 million refuelings last year and registered over 2.5 million monthly customers. Its origins are relatively recent, as the company opened its first gas station in 2015.

All of Plenoil’s gas stations are company-owned, as it does not operate franchises.

Full article in the newspaper Expansió

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