Plenoil gasolineras

How does the Plenoil app work?

¿Cómo funciona la app de Plenoil?

The development of the Plenoil app has made refueling easy, convenient, and safe for many customers. The app has evolved and added new features for users, but how does the Plenoil app work? When logging in, the user will find different tabs that are divided into six categories: gas stations, where you can find the […]

Operation exit: find your nearest Plenoil gas station.

Encuentra tu gasolinera Plenoil más cercana

The summer departure operation has started once again during the August holiday season, and thousands of journeys have already been registered, according to the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) (General Traffic Directorate). It’s important to be patient and always have your car in good condition to avoid accidents or breakdowns during your travels. On the […]

The myth of low-cost gasoline: what is the difference between fuels?

Since the arrival of automatic gas stations in Spain, most people have associated them with low quality. This myth is directly linked to its low price, which is why 37.92% of Spaniards believe that this fuel is of poorer quality, according to the study of fuel consumption habits conducted by IO Research. Today from Plenoil we delve into this hoax and help you to know the reality.

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