¿Es España uno de los países que consume más combustible?

En los últimos años el consumo de combustible ha experimentado una tendencia creciente, a excepción de 2020, registrándose un aumento del 1,3% en las ventas mundiales, según la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE). Europa, en cambio, ha registrado un crecimiento aún mayor correspondiente a un 2,9%. Pero, ¿por qué se produce este aumento? ¿Es España uno […]
How does the Plenoil app work?

The development of the Plenoil app has made refueling easy, convenient, and safe for many customers. The app has evolved and added new features for users, but how does the Plenoil app work? When logging in, the user will find different tabs that are divided into six categories: gas stations, where you can find the […]
Increase in the purchase of oil in Spain.

This July, there has been a 4.3% increase in the purchase of oil in Spain compared to the same month in the previous year of 2022, resulting in 3.6 million liters originating from the Spanish hydrocarbon center. Gasoline purchases increased by 12.1% compared to July 2022, and diesel increased by 1.4%. “In total, automotive fuel […]
Operation exit: find your nearest Plenoil gas station.

The summer departure operation has started once again during the August holiday season, and thousands of journeys have already been registered, according to the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) (General Traffic Directorate). It’s important to be patient and always have your car in good condition to avoid accidents or breakdowns during your travels. On the […]
Plenoil and Ballenoil lead the rise of ‘low-cost’ gas stations.

Full article in the newspaper Expansión.com Just a month ago, another giant in this sector, such as Plenoil, also disclosed its 2022 financial statements, showing even greater growth than its rival. Plenoil had a net profit of 21.03 million in 2022, compared to 6.7 million a year earlier. The group tripled its profit, but also […]
Plenoil ushers in a new era marked by growth: the company celebrates the II International Convention to announce its positive results

Plenoil celebró este pasado viernes su II Convención Internacional. En el evento el CEO de la compañía, José Rodríguez De Arellano, dio a conocer todos los resultados del pasado 2022 y fijó los objetivos para este 2023.
The myth of low-cost gasoline: what is the difference between fuels?

Since the arrival of automatic gas stations in Spain, most people have associated them with low quality. This myth is directly linked to its low price, which is why 37.92% of Spaniards believe that this fuel is of poorer quality, according to the study of fuel consumption habits conducted by IO Research. Today from Plenoil we delve into this hoax and help you to know the reality.
Plenoil positions itself as the fastest growing company in the distribution sector in Spain

It has been only eight years since Plenoil opened its first service station and this past 2022 it has managed to position itself as the fastest growing non-technological company in Spain in the last ten years. It has increased its workforce by more than 30% to meet new challenges that will place the company at the forefront of low-cost fuel.
An envelope with 300€ is returned to its owner thanks to our vending machines in Elche II.

During these days of Christmas, a surprising and exemplary event occurred that reflects the true spirit of these dates.
Plenoil expands in Galicia and will add 35 more “low-cost” gas stations by 2023

Fifteen of them will be installed in the province of Pontevedra. The company expects to close 2021 with five new service stations: two in Vigo and the rest in Mos, A Coruña and Ourense. Galicia is a mature market as far as traditional service stations are concerned, however, a niche is opening up in the […]